Two timely hit safe hits of four game serial absence Jojima to Ichiro that contain it

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Ichiro of U.S. Major League and Mariners was ..Royals war on base ground.. absent for putting a left calf on the 27th (the 28th in Japan standard time). Kenji Jojima is "The 7th and catcher" and the log linguas as for the forerunner participation doing and one safe hit one runs batted in. Mariners is defeated at Royals, and no four successive victories of the game.

It did not participate in the game though Ichiro who was absent because of four game serial moved its body by catch and the batting practice, etc. before it played a game. Expectation of judging participation while it is because there is still sense of incompatibility when running, and seeing state in the future.

The timely hit to the left line was shot at the second at bat that had been received in the no death second base though Jojima fell in the struck out swinging in the first at bat. The third at bat received by two deaths 2 in the third base is a struck out swinging. However, the hit to the left line is stricken to the fourth at bat, and this day is four at bat two safe hit one runs batted in.
The batting average became nine rins for 20 percent threeminutes.

The game added two points every seven times when extending one's lead in two Laon (six times and Caraspo that Royals had faced by one point lead of 3-2), added one point to nine times, and threw off Mariners. It won victory by 8-4 though two points every nine times were deprived.

【 pitcher ])Davies and light and Chen B Panya
(Ma)Pfister, Vanellus cinereus, and messenger-Jojima
【 responsibility pitcher ](victory)Pfister 1 of ..defeating..) victory 5 Davies victory 9 defeat 1 ..(.. defeat
【 home run ])B, two the fifth Panya Laon, and the fifth Betancort solo and 2 the eighth Caraspo Laon
Two the 11th Dehess Laon
(Ma)Wilson 5-2 Laon

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このページは、jp_masterがSeptember 2, 2009 1:58 AMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Ichiro outfielder (35) of Mariners that assumed the longest seven game serial safe hit in Sue by five at bat one safe hit now surprised Spanish before it played a game and the Perapera talk and surroundings were surprised.」です。

次のブログ記事は「2009.8.28 that cries because of slight judgment to make a safe hit no at Hideki Matsui 4 game 08:50」です。
