Higashio Riko to whom association named actor Junichi Ishida (55) was clarified during the first girl golf tour Stanley ladies day

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(Shizuoka Prefecture Tomei CC=6542 yard and par 72 on the 17th) fell into disorder the schott and delayed starting Ricoh (33) == greatly with 105th place by ten over 82.
The head position is (32) = Chicheng CC= of Hiromi Motegi assumed to be six under 66 by seven birdies and one bogey.
Japan Hewlett-Packard (21) = = of Arimura wisdom in the second the first margin place.
(23) = Epson = is Yokomine cherry blossoms 38th place of one exaggerated.

It did not go to a private fair ..good...
"My ability. "The power of love was dropped and Higashio it was not possible to exert dropped the shoulder.

It is large and the bend bogey in the right of the tee shot by the tenth of beginning go out.
The triple bogey of six two on putts.  the 11th strike, ..left of.. bend, and of the first wandering from there in a right and left luff
「I am not understood. (The cause of the mistake :. )Another mistake goes out when thinking this. 」。
Not only the schott of the slump of the assumption of the second in the latter half etc. by four putts a double bogey but also the putt was Melo Melo.

Topics other than golf are NG since it has an interview on the 15th, and the language concerning association with Ishida is none.
However, Ishida who is visiting Italy returns home on the 18th today, and the interview is scheduled at night.
Now..Sue..preliminary contest..breakthrough..good news..deliver..Biggs..core..necessary.
「My best is only carried out. It was possible to do without throwing out the latter half today though the score in the first half was bad. It only tries. 」。
Riko doesn't give up to the last minute and charge it.

Japan is good country!
PLEASE come here!


トラックバックURL: http://www.japan-power.net/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1462



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このページは、jp_masterがJuly 18, 2009 10:11 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「The third war of Sue majors and the 138th British Open the now of men's golf are the 16th. The first round in turn berry Eilsacors」です。

次のブログ記事は「CHUOCYOSASHA of the public opinion poll announced the consequence of the national survey concerning the popular sport on the 15th.」です。
